“美化之艺术,创优似竞赛”可以译成英文:Art of beautifulization and creation of thebest as in rivalry.分开来看,“三美”指 beautiful in sense(意美),in sound(音美),and in form(形美)。“三化”指 generalization(浅化),equalization(等化),particularization(深化)。“三之”指comprehension(知之),appreciation(好之),admiration(乐之)。“艺术”译成 art。“美化”不能译beautification,因为“三化”都用了词尾 ization,所以只好造一个词 beautifulization,其中 beautiful译“美”,iza 译“化”,tion 译“之”。这是拆词合译法。至于“创优似竞赛”比较好译,“创”译creation,“优”译 the best,“似”译 as,“竞赛”译 rivalry,再加两个介词,就算译出来了。许渊冲(2011):Theory on Literary Translation of the Chinese School
When we cannot find the equivalent, we may resort to generalization or particularization.
In short, literary translation is an art to create the beautiful. This is the epistemology of the Chinese school. The contradition between truth and beauty or between equivalence and excellence is its ontology; the theory on equalization, generalization and particularization is its triple methodology; and the theory of the understandable, the enjoyable and the delectable or delightful is its triple teleology.
Xu Yuanchong